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Haïti Surf in Jacmel, the only place to surf in a zen oasis in HaitiHaïti Surf à Jacmel - Photos Jean Oscar
Haïti Surf in Jacmel, the only place to surf in a zen oasis in Haiti
Haïti Surf à Jacmel - Photos Jean Oscar
  • May 12, 2024
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Haïti Surf in Jacmel, the only place to surf in a zen oasis in Haiti

Haïti Surf, a hidden space on the coast of Jacmel which offers an unforgettable surfing experience in a breathtaking tropical setting. Situated among the crystal clear waves of the Caribbean Sea, Haïti Surf is a paradise for water sports enthusiasts and adventure-seeking travelers.

Haïti Surf à JacmelHaïti Surf à Jacmel

The Magic of Surfing in Jacmel

Jacmel, known for its pristine beaches and spectacular scenery, is the ideal setting for surfing enthusiasts. With waves perfect for all levels, from beginners to experienced surfers, Jacmel offers a variety of surf spots to suit every style and preference.

Haïti Surf à JacmelHaïti Surf à Jacmel

Haïti Surf: Your Relaxation Destination

Looking for a peaceful place to recharge your batteries? Welcome to the Haïti Surf space! Nestled close to the waves, this space offers a tranquil refuge to relax by the pool and enjoy delicious meals while enjoying Haiti’s heavenly landscape.

Haïti Surf à JacmelHaïti Surf à Jacmel

An Ambiance of Serenity to Respect

In this space dedicated to tranquility, an atmosphere of serenity and calm is valued. The Haïti Surf team wants to maintain this peaceful atmosphere and invites visitors to contribute by respecting the regulations, thus guaranteeing our guests a relaxing and harmonious experience.

Haïti Surf à JacmelHaïti Surf à Jacmel

Gîtes, Bungalows and Rooms by the River and near the Swimming Pool

Imagine yourself staying in Haïti Surf’s quaint lodges and comfortable bungalows, all located on the banks of the river that flows through this space, and close to the refreshing swimming pool. Let yourself be lulled by the gentle murmur of the water while being surrounded by lush nature and absolute tranquility.

Haïti Surf à JacmelHaïti Surf à Jacmel

Plan Your Adventure

Whether you are an experienced surfer or simply dream of discovering the joys of surfing, Haïti Surf in Jacmel promises you an authentic and memorable experience. Get ready to experience magical moments on the waves and create lasting memories in this corner of paradise in Haiti.

About the Author
Faïly Anderson Trazil

    Born in Belle-Anse, one of the communes of the South-East department is commonly called “The city of fish”.
    He is passionate about writing and a medical student.

    See other articles from Faïly Anderson Trazil
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    First black nation to free itself from slavery and gain independence from France in 1804 and influenced other liberation movements around the world, inspiring struggles for freedom and equality.

    Natural beauty

    Natural beauty

    Haïti is blessed with spectacular natural landscapes, including white sand beaches, mountains and rich biodiversity.



    Haïti has a rich historical heritage, including sites like the Citadelle Laferrière and the Sans-Souci Palace, listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.



    Haïti has a rich and diverse culture, influenced by African, European and indigenous elements. Haitian music, dance, art and cuisine are celebrated around the world.