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7 Reasons Haïti is ProudHaïti
7 Reasons Haïti is Proud
  • December 19, 2024
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7 Reasons Haïti is Proud

Haiti, the jewel of the Caribbean, is a land rich in history, culture and natural beauty. Despite the challenges it has faced, this country remains a model of resilience and heritage for the entire world. Here are 7 major reasons Haïti is proud, with references and key figures that highlight its riches.


A Revolutionary and Inspiring History

Haïti is the first independent black country in the world and the first republic to abolish slavery, in 1804. This historic feat not only marked the Americas but also inspired emancipation movements across the globe.

- The Haitian Revolution lasted from 1791 to 1804 and mobilized legendary figures such as Toussaint Louverture, Jean-Jacques Dessalines and Henri Christophe. - The country welcomed Simon Bolivar, helping to finance his campaigns to liberate Latin America.
- Today, historic sites like the Citadelle Laferrière, dubbed the "eighth wonder of the world," attract thousands of visitors each year.

This history, written into Haiti’s DNA, is a source of pride and international respect.


A Unique and Universal Culture

Haitian culture, a blend of African, European and indigenous influences, is vibrant and universal. It is manifested in:

- Literature: Haïti has given the world renowned writers like Jacques Roumain (Gouverneurs de la Rosée) and Edwidge Danticat (Krik? Krak!).
- Music: Genres such as compas, created by Nemours Jean-Baptiste in 1955, have influenced Caribbean music.
- Visual arts: The country is renowned for its naive art, whose works by painters such as Hector Hyppolite are exhibited in prestigious museums such as the MoMA in New York.

Every year, festivals such as Carnival or the Haitian Culture Days highlight this cultural wealth.


A Tasty and Recognized Gastronomy

Haitian cuisine is a culinary treasure. Its flavors, resulting from a mixture of African, French, Spanish and indigenous influences, are unique.

- Emblematic dishes such as griot (fried pork) and national rice (rice with red peas) are essential.
- Desserts such as dous makòs or potato bread delight the taste buds.
- The traditional drink crémas, prepared with condensed milk, nutmeg and rum, is a symbol of Haitian celebrations.

According to a report by the World Tourism Organization, visitors often cite Haitian gastronomy as one of the highlights of their stay.


A Breathtaking Natural Heritage

Haïti is a dream destination for nature lovers. The country is home to:

- More than 1,500 kilometers of coastline, with heavenly beaches like Labadie and Île-à-Rat.
- Majestic mountains, including Pic Macaya peaking at 2,347 meters.
- Spectacular waterfalls like Saut-d’Eau, a place of spiritual and tourist pilgrimage.

The country’s tropical climate, with average temperatures of 25°C, makes it an ideal destination all year round.


A Deep and Grounded Spirituality

Haïti is often considered the birthplace of Voodoo, a religion that celebrates the connection between humans, nature, and spirits.

- Voodoo, practiced by approximately 60% of Haitians, is often associated with spectacular ceremonies and haunting chants.
- Christianity, particularly Catholicism and Protestantism, is also widespread, with religious holidays such as Christmas and Corpus Christi that bring communities together.

This diverse spirituality is a force that unites and sustains the Haitian people.

Haïti Wonderland: How to Rewrite the Narrative of Haïti on the Web?

For the last three decades the internet has transformed the way people live, access information and promote worthy causes. Institutions that embrace this technology lead the way in their respective industries and last, while countries that embrace this technology and wisely implement it enable themselves to thrive and build sustainable economies. After decades of existence, the internet has been shared with mainly two groups of people; those who use it as a tool to build, and those who use it as a tool of destruction. Those who see the internet as a bridge to make a positive impact in the world and those who see it as the comfy bed to never leave, hence, the difference between the consumer and producer. Unfortunately our beloved home, Haiti, has been of the former mindset. Is it a lack of vision, lack of skills and competences or is it lack of hard working individuals? Regardless what it is or had been for decades, now is the time to change the paradigm on all fronts necessary and reshape the future. If the past decades have been ruled by non-production and negative press, now is the time to change the paradigm by producing and using the limitless of the web to sell the beauty, the culture and the greatness of Haïti to the rest of the world. If the past has been ruled with a selective truth and an effort to showcase the worst and by extension create the worst narrative, now, my fellow Haitian, regardless of where you are on this planet, is the time for us to undertake this mission, to take responsibility and recreate the narrative of our mother land. A narrative based on truth and transparency, a narrative that tells the story of who we are and certainly who we are not, a narrative to invite the world to explore and see for themselves. It is our duty. If not now, when? If not you and I, then, who? Our main mission at Haïti Wonderland is to rewrite the narrative of Haïti on the web. Then use the internet to bring Haïti back to the top of the touristic destination map once again. Those are what motivate us, the oxygen that we breath, they are the reason we wake up in the morning and fight. We didn’t choose this path because we know it will be easy but we choose it because: 1. It is a noble cause 2. It is necessary and 3. It must be done. But must importantly we take this path because we know you and every Haitian in this world, who knows the truth about Haïti are tired with what you see when typing Haïti on the web, and at the same time understand that something must change, and it must be done as soon as possible. We know you are ready for this, and together we will change the narrative of Haïti on the web and we will bring Haïti back to the top of the touristic destination map. This is a call of duty to you, regardless of your field of endeavor or where you’re located in this world. This is a call to join ( to first see for yourself the movement you’re joining, then create your own account and start creating and sharing. Together we will rewrite the narrative of Haïti on the web. Thank you for joining this worthy cause. Let’s invite the world to discover the true face of Haiti.


An Exemplary Resilience

Haitians have always demonstrated extraordinary resilience in the face of challenges. Whether it was after the devastating earthquake of 2010 or the hurricanes that have struck the country, the Haitian people have shown a remarkable ability to bounce back.

- More than 1.5 million people were displaced after the 2010 earthquake, but local and international initiatives have helped rebuild much of the infrastructure.
- The national motto, "Unity is strength," reflects this spirit of solidarity and cooperation.


An Inspiring Global Contribution

Haïti has a global influence that extends beyond its borders:

- In 2010, Haïti hosted the World Summit on Arts and Culture, showcasing its artistic talents.
- The Haitian diaspora, more than 4 million strong, actively contributes to fields such as medicine, engineering and the arts around the world.


Haiti, a Source of Inestimable Pride

These 7 reasons demonstrate that Haïti is much more than the challenges it has faced. It is a country of wealth, resilience, and promise. Share in the comments your own reasons for pride in Haïti and help celebrate this exceptional nation.

About the Author
Appolon Guy Alain

Full Stack Developer, Créatif, expérimenté, passionné des nouvelles technologies et de l’art.

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Caractéristique d’un lapin

Les lapins sont des mammifères appartenant à la famille des Leporidae. Voici quelques-unes de leurs caractéristiques principales : 1. **Physique** : Les lapins ont un corps couvert de fourrure douce, des oreilles longues et droites, de grands yeux sur les côtés de leur tête, et une queue courte et duveteuse. Ils possèdent de puissantes pattes arrière adaptées au saut. 2. **Taille et poids** : La taille et le poids peuvent varier considérablement selon la race, allant d’environ 500 grammes pour les plus petits à plus de 5 kilogrammes pour les plus grands. 3. **Comportement** : Les lapins sont connus pour être sociaux et peuvent vivre en groupes dans la nature. Ils communiquent entre eux par différents moyens, y compris par des sons et des mouvements corporels. Les lapins creusent des terriers pour y vivre et se protéger des prédateurs. 4. **Alimentation** : Ils sont herbivores, se nourrissant principalement de foin, d’herbes, de feuilles, de fleurs, et de certains légumes. Leur système digestif est adapté pour traiter une grande quantité de fibres. 5. **Reproduction** : Les lapins sont réputés pour leur capacité à se reproduire rapidement, avec des gestations courtes d’environ 28 à 31 jours. Une portée peut compter de un à douze lapereaux, selon la race. 6. **Sens** : Ils ont une excellente vision périphérique pour détecter les mouvements tout autour d’eux, mais ont une zone aveugle juste devant leur nez. Leur ouïe est également très développée, leur permettant de capter des sons à de grandes distances. 7. **Espérance de vie** : En captivité, les lapins peuvent vivre de 7 à 10 ans, selon la race et les soins prodigués, tandis que dans la nature, leur espérance de vie est généralement plus courte en raison des prédateurs et des maladies. Ces animaux nécessitent des soins appropriés, notamment un régime alimentaire équilibré, de l’exercice, et une attention particulière à leur bien-être émotionnel et physique pour vivre une vie saine et heureuse en captivité.

The Haïtian Compas: A Musical and Cultural Journey

Music has always been an essential part of Haïtian culture, and among the many genres that have emerged from this Caribbean island, Compas holds a special place. It is a musical style that carries with it the history, cultural diversity and vibrant energy of Haïti. b~Origins and Evolution~b The Compas Haïtien, also known as Kompa, has deep roots in Haïtian and African musical traditions. Its development was influenced by genres such as Dominican merengue, Cuban salsa, jazz and even rock. This fusion of styles has resulted in a distinctive sound that embodies the cultural richness and diversity of Haïti. The Haïtian Compass has evolved over the decades, moving from a more traditional style to more modern and sophisticated forms. Iconic artists such as Nemours Jean-Baptiste and Tabou Combo helped shape the genre and propel it onto the international music scene. b~The Characteristics of the Compass~b Le Compas Haïtien is characterized by its intoxicating rhythm and complex arrangements. Traditional instruments such as guitar, saxophone, drums, and of course, bass, play a crucial role in creating this catchy music. The lyrics, often sung in Haïtian Creole, address varied themes, from love and joy to social and political issues. Dance is an inseparable component of the Haïtian Compass. The irresistible rhythms encourage the dancers to sway to the music. Traditional dance moves, such as "Kompa Direk" and "Kompa Love," reflect the joyful expression and sensuality that characterize this musical genre. b~Global Influence~b Over the years, the Haïtian Compas has transcended the borders of Haïti to conquer the international stages. Haïtian artists helped popularize the genre around the world, bringing with them the warmth and vitality of Haïtian culture. Music festivals dedicated to Compas attract fans from around the world, providing an immersive experience of this catchy music. The Haïtian Compass is much more than a musical genre; it is a standard bearer of Haïtian culture, a mirror reflecting the history, diversity and resilience of the Haïtian people. Discovering the Haïtian Compas means diving into a world of captivating rhythms, passionate dances and captivating stories, while celebrating Haïti’s unique musical heritage. Whether you are a world music lover or simply curious about new experiences, the Compas Haïtien is an invitation to an unforgettable sound journey.

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First black nation to free itself from slavery and gain independence from France in 1804 and influenced other liberation movements around the world, inspiring struggles for freedom and equality.

Natural beauty

Natural beauty

Haïti is blessed with spectacular natural landscapes, including white sand beaches, mountains and rich biodiversity.



Haïti has a rich historical heritage, including sites like the Citadelle Laferrière and the Sans-Souci Palace, listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.



Haïti has a rich and diverse culture, influenced by African, European and indigenous elements. Haitian music, dance, art and cuisine are celebrated around the world.