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Expert in SEO and UI/UX Design: Discover the Haitian developer, Appolon Guy AlainAppolon Guy Alain
Expert in SEO and UI/UX Design: Discover the Haitian developer, Appolon Guy Alain
Appolon Guy Alain
  • March 22, 2024
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Expert in SEO and UI/UX Design: Discover the Haitian developer, Appolon Guy Alain

In the vast universe of software development in Haiti, one figure emerges as an undisputed reference: Appolon Guy Alain. Originally from Carrefour, passionate about new technologies, Appolon has carved out a place of choice in the sector thanks to its versatile expertise.

Appolon Guy AlainAppolon Guy Alain

A reference in the software development sector in Haiti.

With more than 70 websites created for various clients until the year 2024, intranet systems for schools, stores and other companies, as well as mobile applications, Apolon is recognized as one of the pillars Of the industry. What sets Apolon apart is its ability to marry art and technology. Thanks to his talents as a painter, musician and computer graphic designer, he designs excellent websites with attractive interfaces, as evidenced by the site "Haïti Wonderland" ( His experience allows him to judiciously place buttons to ensure an optimal user experience.

Discover some of Guy Alain Appolon’s achievements by clicking on the following link:

Coding Club HaïtiCoding Club Haïti

Sharing knowledge and experiences

But Apolon does not just carry out contracts. He generously shares his knowledge and experience through Coding Club Haiti, which he founded on December 10, 2022. This club provides a conducive environment for computer programming enthusiasts in Haïti and even Africa. Convinced that technology can contribute to the economic advancement of Haiti, Appolon firmly believes in the importance of sharing knowledge for future generations.

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Appolon Guy AlainAppolon Guy Alain

Passionate about new technologies

Passionate about new technologies, Appolon founded "Haïti Wonderland", where users can virtually explore tourist places such as the Citadelle La Ferrière, the Palais Sans Souci, Île à Rat or the Henry-Christophe de Limonade Campus, at using a virtual reality headset or smartphone. Click to take a tour. Currently, he is working on new projects based on artificial intelligence, demonstrating his constant technological monitoring and his enthusiasm for innovation. He is often nicknamed "Nèg PHP a", in reference to his skills in PHP.

Appolon Guy AlainAppolon Guy Alain

An entrepreneur at heart

But Apolon is much more than just a developer. Entrepreneurship has flowed through his veins since childhood. He launched several innovative and useful initiatives, such as "StartGraph" in 2012, specializing in t-shirt design, "AppoGraphic" in 2017, specializing in website design and all types of graphic design, as well as " Makèt pam" ( in 2019, an online sales and services platform. In 2020, he founded "Funtchat" (, a fun dating platform, and in 2021, with Guercy Richard, he launched Bèltikè ( a online bus and plane ticket sales platform.

Recognized as one of the most in-demand developers in the country (, Appolon works for many large companies in Haïti and abroad. He continues to develop his knowledge and share his experiences, thus contributing to the constant evolution of the software development sector in Haiti. His journey perfectly illustrates how passion, expertise and commitment can combine to create significant impact in the ever-changing digital world.

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First black nation to free itself from slavery and gain independence from France in 1804 and influenced other liberation movements around the world, inspiring struggles for freedom and equality.

Natural beauty

Natural beauty

Haïti is blessed with spectacular natural landscapes, including white sand beaches, mountains and rich biodiversity.



Haïti has a rich historical heritage, including sites like the Citadelle Laferrière and the Sans-Souci Palace, listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.



Haïti has a rich and diverse culture, influenced by African, European and indigenous elements. Haitian music, dance, art and cuisine are celebrated around the world.