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Redefining the image of Haïti on the internet: Yes, we can do it!Haïti
Redefining the image of Haïti on the internet: Yes, we can do it!
  • May 23, 2024
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Redefining the image of Haïti on the internet: Yes, we can do it!

Haïti is often viewed online through the prism of poverty, political instability and natural disasters. Although these aspects are part of the Haitian reality, they do not entirely define it. Cultural richness, a glorious past, abundant natural resources, exquisite gastronomy and other attractions are equally important, but unfortunately less publicized, facets.

The current perception of Haïti online

A quick Google search for “Haiti” will leave you with a negative impression, as you will find mostly demeaning images that do not reflect Haiti’s natural beauty, rich historical past, and vibrant culture. This situation results from the dissemination by many online media and international organizations, as well as Haitian media, of content highlighting only negative aspects of the country. Compared to other countries, Haïti is often presented in a particularly negative way, thus fueling stereotypes and prejudices. This perception has serious repercussions on tourism, foreign investment and even the national pride of Haitians. Additionally, it creates a distorted picture of reality, obscuring the many positive and inspiring aspects of Haiti.

Can we redefine the image of Haïti on the internet?

Redefining the image of Haïti on the internet is the mission that Haïti Wonderland has given itself. Officially launched on January 28, 2024, Haïti Wonderland is a tourism platform dedicated to redefining the image of Haïti on the internet by highlighting its natural, tourist and cultural treasures, as well as its glorious past. Thanks to content perfectly optimized for search engines like Google, Bing and others, we hope that searches for "Haiti" reveal images that honor the country, unlike those currently present online.

Promising results in just 4 months

Four months after its launch, images that honor Haïti are beginning to rank among the first search results for relevant keywords.


Screenshot on May 2, 2024:

While browsing the Internet, we wanted to find images of beaches in Haïti to feed one of our articles about summer in Haiti. To our great astonishment, for the term "Haïti summer", we found mainly degrading images. The only image that really did the country justice came from our site, Haïti Wonderland. What the hell are these images doing for the “Haïti summer” search? We saw fit to work on this keyword.


Screenshot on May 17, 2024:

Fifteen days later, we checked the same keyword and saw a complete change in results. Indeed, eight of the nine immediate images honored Haïti by highlighting different attractions such as beaches and natural resources. However, the work is far from finished, because going further down in the results, we still find degrading images.

This example shows that although we have already made significant progress, there is still much to do. The good news is that we can do it.

This is just an example. After only 4 months, Haïti Wonderland ranks first on several relevant keywords regarding Haiti. We already receive over 100 clicks per day on search engines, and this number is only increasing every day. Many people use our platform to talk about Haiti.

We look forward to presenting the results to you in 8 months, 12 months after our launch.

How to redefine the image of Haïti on the internet?

The results displayed by search engines come from content found online on the keywords in question. We can therefore redefine the image of Haïti by ensuring we produce as much content as possible every day. Haitian online media must get involved in ensuring that the images and stories they broadcast reflect the diversity and richness of Haiti. Rather than focusing only on the negative aspects, they should highlight the successes, positive initiatives, and exceptional contributions of Haitians to global society.

Investing in the online tourism sector in Haiti

If we cannot rely on Haitian media, the best option is to invest in tourist sites dedicated to promoting Haïti like Haïti Wonderland. While we can’t erase bad images of Haïti from the internet, we can make sure we put the best images first, thereby relegating other images to subsequent pages of search results. Studies indicate that less than 10% of users view the second page of search results, and this figure drops even further for subsequent pages. By investing in sites dedicated to promoting Haiti, we can occupy the first pages of search engines for searches about Haiti, although this is a challenge due to the high competition for the keyword "Haiti".

Call on SEO specialists

A good SEO strategy remains our best asset to change the image of Haïti on the internet. The majority of images that appear when searching for "Haiti" come from international online media and well-known organizations that invest in SEO every day to maintain their online positions. We also need to invest heavily in SEO to surpass them. The advantage we have over them is that we can create niche sites, dedicated specifically to very specific terms about Haiti, like Haïti Wonderland does.

What is SEO?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the set of techniques aimed at optimizing the positioning and visibility of a website in the results of search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. The main goal of SEO is to increase a website’s organic traffic by improving its ranking in search results for relevant keywords.

SEO practices can include optimizing content, HTML tags, site structure, inbound and outbound links, and other technical and off-page factors. In general, SEO aims to make a website more accessible, understandable and relevant to search engines and users, which can lead to increased traffic.

How to properly optimize my site for natural referencing?

If you wish to embark on this fight to redefine the image of Haïti on the internet, we offer you this free consultation. Optimizing a website for SEO involves several technical, content and usability aspects. Here are some tips for optimizing your site:

1. Technical optimization:
- Make sure your site is search engine friendly by using a logical site structure with understandable URLs, for example: .
- Optimize your site loading speed by compressing images, minifying scripts and using browser caching.
- Make sure your site is compatible with mobile devices (responsive design) to provide an optimal user experience on all devices.

2. Quality content: Create high-quality, original and relevant content about Haiti. Use your keywords naturally in your titles, title tags (H1, H2, H3), descriptions and content.

3. HTML tags: Use HTML tags appropriately, including title tags (H1, H2, H3), description tags (meta description), image tags (alt text) to help search engines to understand the content of your site.

4. Quality Backlinks: Get quality backlinks from relevant and trusted websites. This can be achieved through partnerships, guest content, social media mentions, and others. To this day, backlinks remain an essential element in natural referencing. This is the part that you will have to invest in if you want to compete with other sites that do SEO.

5. Analytics and Tracking: Use analytics tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to track your site’s performance, identify search trends, and adjust your SEO strategy accordingly. This will sometimes require you to rewrite the content of your articles (titles or descriptions).

Other strategies to redefine the image of Haiti

Social media: Use social media campaigns to share positive stories, festivals, artwork and music creations.

Travel sites: Update information on travel sites to include recommendations for sustainable and eco-friendly tourism destinations in Haiti.

Sharing experiences: Encourage travel bloggers and influencers to visit Haïti and share their positive experiences.

Collaboration with international media: Work in partnership with international media to diversify the stories about Haiti.

Success stories: Publish and promote the success stories of Haitian entrepreneurs, artists and innovators.

In conclusion

Redefining the image of Haïti on the internet is a challenge but also an immense opportunity. By highlighting the cultural richness, local successes, and positive aspects of Haitian society, we can change the overall perception of this country. Yes, we can do it, and each initiative, each positive story shared, will contribute to building a more balanced and authentic image of Haïti on the world stage.

Haïti Wonderland does a great job, but it’s not enough. We need dozens of similar platforms to occupy the top positions in search results and thus change perception. It’s a collective fight, we must all commit in one way or another to present to the world a more respectable image of Haiti, this jewel of the Caribbean.

About the Author
Appolon Guy Alain

Full Stack Developer, Créatif, expérimenté, passionné des nouvelles technologies et de l’art.

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First black nation to free itself from slavery and gain independence from France in 1804 and influenced other liberation movements around the world, inspiring struggles for freedom and equality.

Natural beauty

Natural beauty

Haïti is blessed with spectacular natural landscapes, including white sand beaches, mountains and rich biodiversity.



Haïti has a rich historical heritage, including sites like the Citadelle Laferrière and the Sans-Souci Palace, listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.



Haïti has a rich and diverse culture, influenced by African, European and indigenous elements. Haitian music, dance, art and cuisine are celebrated around the world.