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Why do some people ignore the Guede party?Why ignore the Guede party?
Why do some people ignore the Guede party?
Why ignore the Guede party?
  • May 30, 2024
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Why do some people ignore the Guede party?

The Guédés Festival is a significant event in the Haitian Vodou religion. It takes place every November 1st and 2nd in Haiti, and it is dedicated to paying homage to the dead. Here are some elements to better understand this celebration:

Meaning of Guedes:
Guédés are spirits of death in the voodoo pantheon. They symbolize the transition between life and the afterlife.
Different names are attributed to these spirits: Papa Guédé, Guédé Nibo, Guédé Masaka, Guédé fouillé, Guédé plumage.
In the Voodoo concept, the Guédés maintain a harmonious relationship with the dead.
Ritual of the Feast of the Gedes:
Vodouists clean the graves and bring flowers to honor the memory of the deceased.
They dance and sing to the rhythm of vodou and rara music.
Vèvè (sacred symbols) are drawn to invoke the spirits.
The color black, symbol of mourning, marks the beginning of life in the voodoo world. Purple mauve evokes transformation, and white symbolizes purity.
Relationship with Protestants and Christians:
Some Protestants reject the Feast of Geeds and organize days of prayer to chase away “evil spirits”.
Christians do not pray for their dead, because their faith teaches them that the deceased are welcomed by the Lord.
In short, the Guédés festival is a crucial moment for Vodouists, marking the temporary return of spirits to the world of Vodou. It shows respect for the dead and is an integral part of Haitian culture.

About the Author
Mardochée DORMÉUS

Guédé fouillé, Guédé plumage.

M potko konn tande non sa yo. Mèsi😇

June 02, 2024 - 12:00:27 AM
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